VCC Symposium 2014

International Symposium on Verbs, Clauses and Constructions

Tapas dinner

In the evening of October 23, 2014, the locals will show all the participants who whish to join us around some of the most outstanding tapas bars in Logroño so that they can marry our gastronomic specialities to a variety of Rioja wines. There will have four tapas, including fish, vegetables and meat, plus crianza wine. We will meet at the Tourist Information Office (50, Calle Portales) at 8:30 pm. It is not necessary to book in advance. The dinner tapas voucher costs 20 euros, to be paid in cash at the meeting point.

Symposium dinner

In the evening of October 24, 2014, the dinner of the symposium will be held in a grill restaurant in town centre, within walking distance from the University and the hotel area. The menu includes starters, main course (with choice meat/fish/vegetarian), dessert, water and crianza wine. It is strongly recommended to make the dinner payment together with the registration fee. It will be possible to book during the symposium but places will be limited. The cost of the menu is 35 euros. We will meet at 8:45 p.m. at the restaurant, En Ascuas (22, Calle de los Hermanos Moroy).